
Pat sat relaxing in the Kathleen Rutland Home Lounge

Kathleen Rutland Home provides high quality residential care for older people with sight loss.

Pat has been supported by Vista for as long as she can remember. Born with cataracts, Pat has kept a positive outlook. ‘I feel lucky being born like this, as I don’t know what I’ve lost.’ She laughed, heartily. ‘You’ve got to laugh, haven’t you?’

Her attitude is truly infectious, and Pat really enjoys when people join. ‘The staff here like a laugh. They’re silly, funny, kind, and always happy to joke with me.’ Pat is a very sociable, chatty person, and is glad for the time the staff give her and how they make her feel special.

Since moving into the home, Pat likes to take part in the activities arranged for the residents. ‘I always join in when they get singers to come in.’ She likes to sing, although really isn’t fussy about what she sings, ‘as long as it’s loud and got a beat, I’ll sing along’. The wide range of activities at Kathleen Rutland ensure that Pat is never bored.

But she’s equally happy when left alone to finish her knitting. ‘They know what I like,’ she quips, ‘and I like knitting scarves.’ The Kathleen Rutland lounge is her favourite place to calmly sit and knit. ‘It’s so bright and airy, it’s just perfect for what I want.’

She likes it when her brother and sister are able to come and visit, ‘it’s no bother when people come and see me. The staff are really good about it.’ The only thing she misses is her guide dog, Penny but it does have it’s upsides, ‘I’m not covered in her hair all the time anymore. And this one,’ she said, pointing at a small toy dog sitting on her table, ‘is a lot quieter.’