Sam takes on legendary suffering challenge

Sam Larke, Programme Lead for Leicester Ageing Together, is taking on the toughest challenge of completing all three ‘Suffering’ OCR races at Rockingham Castle on 25th and 26th June.
Sam will be taking on the 5km, 10km and 10 mile races – which will mean running over 19 miles and facing 75 obstacles in just two days. He conquered the Tough Mudder event last year, and now wants to take on an even tougher challenge.
Sam said “I’ve worked here for over six months, and have seen for myself the really great work Vista and Leicester Ageing Together do. I’m more than happy to help raise our profile, so that more people can find out about our life-changing work.”
“The ‘Suffering Legends’ challenge is a great opportunity to help raise vital funds, and I think I’ll even enjoy it! I’m going to start training in the upcoming weeks, by running at least 5km and some resistance training every week.”
“I’m hoping to raise about £1000, and anything more would be fantastic. I’d like to encourage others to join the team!”
If you’d like to support Sam, visit his Just Giving page.
The Suffering Obstacle Race will be taking place at Rockingham Castle on 25th & 26th June. You can choose your challenge – 5km, 10km, or 10 mile race. There is also a 3km Mini Mud run on offer for ages 4 – 14 (accompanying parent goes free). For full details and tickets, please visit The Suffering Race page.
To find out more about fundraising for Vista, visit our fundraising page.