Evington Crochet 4 ALL group are spreading the love

Deborah Harris, Community Connector Coordinator from the Leicester Ageing Together team, which is hosted by Vista, supported the establishment of Evington Crochet 4 All group.
Evington Crochet 4 ALL group were asked to ‘spread the love’ by a local hospital who tasked them with crocheting some hearts for patients and their families. The mini heart pairs were made so a patient at the hospital could have one heart and their family member the other, just to let them know that their family members were close even though they could not be by their bedside during this Covid-19 pandemic period.
The Crochet 4 All group, who stay in contact with each other daily via a WhatsApp group, had a virtual lesson from Abdul, the group lead, who showed them how to make the hearts. Group members then went off and made their hearts, shared their progress and their pictures with each other all whilst social distancing. This resulted in the Crochet 4 All group producing a colourful array of hearts they made for the hospital. Staff from the hospital were so pleased with the hearts that they would like the group to make them some more.
So, If you would like to try and have a go at making some hearts, for your nearest and dearest, to let them know you are thinking of them, the pattern is as follows:-
You will need wool, which could be single or double knit and a 4mm crochet hook and then follow the steps below:
- You make a slipknot then chain 4 stitches to start your heart.
- Double treble in the first chain x3 times.
- Then treble in the same chain x3.
- Next do 1 double treble stitch in the same hole.
- Then 3 treble stitches in the same hole again.
- Next chain 3 double treble stitches in the same hole.
- Then chain 3 stitches and lock the chain in the centre of the heart to finish is off by chaining one then cutting your wool.
- Make sure both hearts are the same colour wool.
If you’d like to get involved, please contact Deborah at deborah@leicesterageingtogether.org.uk.