It's 50 years for Vista's Kathleen Rutland Home

Vista’s Kathleen Rutland Home celebrates its 50 year birthday this month, with a Birthday Tea Dance.
In October 1967 the Kathleen Rutland Home was officially opened by Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent. His Grace the Duke of Rutland presided at the opening ceremony and Her Grace Kathleen Duchess of Rutland was present to witness the opening of the Home which perpetuated her name.
To mark the 50 years of Kathleen Rutland, the home is having a Birthday Tea Dance on Thursday 26 October 1-3pm. All families of the residents are invited to join staff and residents for an afternoon of music, entertainment and of course cake.
Paul Bott, Chief Executive at Vista; said “this is a special occasion for the home which was opened 50 years ago, as a home for the blind and has since specialised in providing high quality care for older people with sight loss and dementia. We’re very proud to have been in the community for 50 years and made a difference to so many lives, its testament to the care that we offer and to celebrate we’re inviting families of residents to join us to celebrate 50 years since Kathleen Rutland Home opened.”
Kathleen Rutland Home is located on 117 Hinckley Road. We currently have vacancies for residential care and respite care, for more information please call 0116 239 4234.