Take part in the census 2021

The census is happening this month with Census Day on Sunday 21 March and your support will help to make it a success.
It is important everyone completes the census questionnaire as the information will affect us all, by helping to decide funding and ensuring local communities get the services and support they need. Amongst other things, this year’s census asks about ethnicity, religion and national identity, so it is particularly important for communities across Leicester to take part to ensure our local public services meet everyone’s needs, not only now but over the next ten years and beyond.
Every household will receive a letter with a unique access code that will allow them to complete the questionnaire online. Printed copies of the questionnaire will also be available for anyone who does not have access to the internet.
More information can be found on the census website: www.census.gov.uk.
You can also find a range of accessible formats here to help you find out about the census and complete it: https://census.gov.uk/help/languages-and-accessibility/accessibility